the "resplendent republic," or more about this whole freedom thing
I was trying to say earlier that, really, freedom is relative. It looks like, judging by Andra and Mia's posts on their countries and their struggles for true independence, it really is hard to judge when a country has completely come out from the shadow of its oppressor. As for my topic, maybe the Dutch Republic was indelibly shaped by the years under the control of the Spanish, but that isn't necessarily such a bad thing. If their response to authoritarian government was a republic, and to execution of "heretics" was an impressive display of religious tolerance, then who can say that the Spanish influence was so awful? Not that the Republic didn't have some hiccups along the way (see the whole taken over by the French thing), but it was pretty darn impressive, considering.
what does "free" mean anyway?
Andra asked:
Laura and Mia: Do you think that your respective countries have gained full and complete independence? Does Ireland still depend on England? Would they be able to do anything if England decided they wanted to occupy Ireland again? Laura, how long did it take for the Netherlands to get on their own two feet and get rid of all Spanish influence? How did they do so? I see more hope for both of your regions, but Latvia is in a very scary position and might be for some time.
I can't answer all of that in one post, but let me try to say something that vaguely relates, at least. Skipping ahead a couple hundred years, I'll tell a little story. In December 1794, the revolutionary French armies crossed the frozen rivers of Brabant to attack the Dutch Republic. During the first days of January, 1795, they crossed the Maas and the Waal and entered Dutch territory. Wherever the French troops came, towns and villages fell into their hands. On January 16th, the strong town of Utrecht opened its gates to the invaders. On the evening of the next day, the States General, assembled in the Hague, decided that under the circumstances further opposition was impracticable and that surrender was the only possibility. At midnight of the next day, the 18th of January, William V, the last hereditary Stadholder of the Republic of the United Netherlands, left the country and fled to England. And after only a few weeks, the Republic had ceased to exist, having been replaced by the "Batavian Republic," a political dependency of victorious France. So all of the hard work that had taken centuries to build, the revolt against the Spanish rule and finally the independence of the Dutch Republic was for nothing?
As van Loon says, "if there was occasion for surprise, it was the fact that the Republic had managed to exist as long as it had." And this is where the free/not free debate comes in, where I wonder about the effects of the long and difficult battle for independence on the fledgling nation. Although "for many years it had been on the road towards political and economical bankruptcy," even though it seemed time after time over the years that the Netherlands couldn't exist when not under the thumb of the Spanish or another colonizing European power, somehow it always managed to stay afloat as a country in its own right. That doesn't mean there weren't scars from the years of oppression, as Mia says ("Ireland governs itself, but will it ever be free of English influence?") and I think all of us have found in our research, and I want to go into that in greater depth. But, no matter how weak the Republic was at any point, even when "dependency upon France seemed to most citizens preferable to independence under the old national system of government," (The Fall of the Dutch Republic, 3), the very fact that it had spent centuries fighting for its independence seemed to draw the people together towards a common purpose, or at least from a common history. In that way, maybe complete independence and complete removal from past sufferings isn't the goal? This is just me being a midnight ponderer (actually, it's a bit later than midnight) like someone else we know likes to call herself, but I'm starting to think that maybe it's best that the Netherlands reflect upon their shared history and draw upon that as a source of strength, not as a handicap.
to compromise or not to compromise?
I’ve talked a bit about Alba and enforcement, but not really about Philip’s own policies. Bailey puts it this way: “He reinforced his father’s repressive edicts and as a result political discontent and religious unrest were further aroused and added their collective combustive forces to the flame.” (81) Van Loon says pretty much the same thing: “An attempt was made to force upon [the people of the Netherlands] a political system which was tolerated in Spain, but which no more fitted their Dutch nature than the Manchu system would have fitted America. The nature of the people was of an old Germanic, individualistic sort, and instinctively rejected all attempts at trying to press it into the collectivistic system of an absolute monarchy.” (12) Interestingly, although the revolt is described as essentially political in nature, I would argue (as van Loon does) that religion played a more decisive role, because of the whole inability to compromise thing. By this point, in the north, essentially every city except Amsterdam was devoted to the new religion, to the doctrines of Martin Luther or Calvin. As van Loon puts it, “after many years of rebellion, the cities were willing to compromise upon political matters, to recognize their ruler’s right to institute such political innovations as he thought necessary. But, one and all of them, they positively refused to promise to give up their new religious convictions.” It’s really interesting to me that it was the arguments over religion that seemed to be the most divisive, that the Dutch people were willing to take a whole lot from their oppressive monarchs as a general rule, to give up a lot of their own freedoms, even their right to their land and money in some cases (although, as we’ll see/we’ve seen, those were two big subjects of contention), but not to give up their religion, even though it had so newly (in the grand scheme of things) become a part of their lives. I guess it has something to do with those “heavy and plodding mind”s of the Hollanders.
and now a little less specific, with some background
According to the same source, in direct and indirect ways, Hapsburg policy, perhaps surprisingly, did much to draw the Low Countries together. Charles V continued the tradition of the dukes of Burgundy and his grandfather Maximilian in showing little respect or the ambitions of the towns and provinces to maintain their own rights and semiautonomous governments. The centralizing tendency of the Hapsburg government, seen in all levels of the administration, was a sort of blessing in disguise in that it helped define the entirety of the individual provinces as one cohesive whole as opposed to independent sections. Even the tendency towards stringency in discipline of the Low Countries proved to have a silver lining, as Bailey says: “The sense of being subjected to a foreign, mostly absentee ruler, inspired the development of patriotic sentiments.” (The Low Countries, page 62).
more about de alba
de alba
Coming up there’ll be more about religion and how it led to revolt, but first here are some specifics about the people involved. So remember that fascinating little tidbit of a post about Fernando Álvarez de Toledo y Pimental, the duque de Alba, the fellow who Phillip II sent over in reaction to revolts in the Netherlands? Well I thought perhaps that short little post didn’t quite do him justice, so here’s a bit more on him:
Philip sent him into the Netherlands in 1567, at the head of an army of 12,000 men, with unlimited powers for the extirpation of the heretics. Soon after his arrival, Alba erected a tribunal, which he called the Council of Troubles and which the Calvinists came to refer as the “Council of Blood.” During the ten years that the Council was in operation, thousands of people were executed under Alba. Of course, Spanish and Dutch sources record very different numbers, the former mentioning only a few hundred while the latter cite around 18,000 victims. [Israel, Jonathan (1995). The Dutch Republic: its Rise, Greatness, and Fall 1477-1806, pp 159-160. Clarendon Press, Oxford UK.] Among the victims were the Count of Egmont and the Count of Hoorn , the two popular leaders of the dissatisfied Dutch nobles, who Alba had condemned to death despite the fact that they were Catholics.
a bit of religion
For a background on religious matters in the Low Countries, I found it helpful to look at Hendrick Willem van Loon’s book The Fall of the Dutch Republic, which seems to be more accurately the Rise and Fall of the Dutch Republic, considering it begins its narrative in the very early middle ages. According to van Loon, “the inhabitants of the Low Countries had always been good Catholics. More than that, they had been intensely and almost puritanically interested in religious matters.” Apparently, to “the average Latin mind of the sixteenth century, the Church was a sort of general club to which you belonged as a matter of course, which baptized you and which buried you and kept a record of your marriage, but which otherwise was not expected to interfere with the agreeable pursuits of your daily life.” On the other hand, “here in the north, in the depressing and serious atmosphere of a country lower than sea-level, religion had always been taken with a terrible amount of seriousness. The easy-going and superficial mind of the Latin races was a horror to the heavy and plodding mind of the Hollander. He took his religion seriously because he took everything in life seriously.”
Such a description is interesting in its own right, but it also seems to mean that, when the 16th century came around, the serious Hollanders threw themselves behind the ideas of the Reformation, they didn’t do it halfway, but with the same entirety and seriousness of purpose. Maybe, then, that was part of the reason that a clash between the Catholic authorities and the newly Protestant people of the Low Countries was so inevitable, because the Dutch people couldn’t compromise and be just quietly and inconspicuously religious, or be somewhere in between Protestant and Catholic (like, say, the ambiguous British), but had to be really and truly “heretical,” at least in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
And then there was the Hapsburg point of view. I’ve talked a bit in earlier posts about how the Hapsburgs came down hard on the “heretics” in the Low Countries, but not really about why. Bailey has an interesting insight: “Unable to suppress the heretics in Germany itself – where a major religious conflict would have crippled German support for his war against Francis I of France – Charles V [Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain, and ally of the Church], concentrated on putting down the reform movement in the Low Countries.” (72) So not only were the people themselves, arguably based on a certain national sensibility, incapable of compromise and simply sitting back and letting the government tell them what to believe, but the government couldn’t, for many reasons, ignore the discrepancy between the Protestant public and the Catholic authorities.
(Part Two)
-most occupations defined as inappropriate for middle-class women
-some lower-middle-class women continued to work alongside their husbands like before, but most married middle-class women didn’t work
-maternal and housewifery roles justified by 19th c/ conception of women’s nature and capabilities (passive creatures who needed protection but also respected as morally superior, removed from contamination of competitive workday world – responsibility of caring for moral and spiritual needs of the fam)
-some occupations were accepted, explained in “how to” books – e.g. teachers, chemists/pharmacists
-Socialist women:
-1850-1914: many working-class women joined unions and working-class political organizations (as socialism became more popular in the last decades of the 19th c/, more and more working-class women attracted to socialist organizations)
-over time, more attention paid to women’s issues, and women gained leadership roles w/in socialist organizations
-1870s-1920s: improved standard of living, smaller family size, maternity benefits, protective legislation, unions, and new jobs
-with men off to war, a new labor force had to be trained (women and older men predominated)
-large numbers of women entering the labor force or changing jobs: for middle- and upper-class women (although not working-class women as much), war freed them from 19th c/ attitudes limiting work and personal life
-for working-class women in cities, growth of new white-collar job: one new trend which wouldn’t be reversed post-war (besides this mostly only temporary suspension of the normal conditions of work outside the home, and traditional patterns returned in the postwar era)
*WWII, Post-war:
-from the beginning, Nazi party: against any expansion of women’s political or economic roles (policy = to keep women in their own separate sphere as mothers and wives and remove them from the man’s sphere, aka jobs and politics)
-“children, church, and kitchen”
-however, many women supported the Nazi party and joined Nazi women’s organizations (e.g. Guida Diehl)
-1949, France: The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir (well-known French novelist, social critic, and existential philosopher)
-argues women have been forced into a position subordinate to men in many obvious and subtle ways
-stresses the status and role of woman as the “Other” in comparison to man
-1960s and 1970s: women’s struggle for change spread and took on a new militancy
--> women’s liberation movement
-e.g. A Feminist Manifesto (1969 by Redstockings, an organization of New York feminists)
-identify men as agents of women’s oppression
A very brief history of women... (Part One)
*Industrial Revolution:
-prostitution flourished in 19th c/ cities (popular culture: Dumas’s La Dame aux Camelias and Verdi’s La Traviata)
-middle classes: gender and the cult of domesticity
-wives and mothers in a “separate sphere” --> beliefs about sexuality (women and men biologically different)
-paternal authority codified by law (e.g. Napoleonic Code – women, children and mentally ill classified together as legally incompetent)
-however, spiritual equality b/w men and women
-middle class values articulated in opposition to the aristocratic customs on one hand and the lives of the common people on the other
-outside the home, v. few respectable options for earning a living
-women: imp. role in the struggle to abolish the slave trade and slavery in the British Empire
-Queen Victoria as an example
-Victorian codes of etiquette and morality
-women’s alleged moral superiority believed to be literally embodied in an absence of sexual feeling or “passionlessness” (whereas male sexual desire = natural, even admirable)
-working women in the industry (caused public anxiety and outcry!)
-women and children = nearly half the labor force in some of the most modern industries, like textiles (paid less, less likely to make trouble as workers)
-fiction --> best known work = Shelley’s Frankenstein
-stressed limits of reason and power of emotion
-defy conventionality (Shelleys, de Stael, George Sand)
-most of the Europeans who served as soldiers, officials, and administrators in overseas colonies = men, but women also traveled to the colonies (contradictory/complex position as unequals to men in their own societies but superior to colonized men and women – “inferior sex” within the “superior race”)
-for many, life in the colonies provided opportunities not found in Europe
-but, in their roles: wives of colonial officials (subordinated lives to male-centered administrative environment), educators of indigenous women (reproduced European notions of bourgeois or Victorian domesticity and female dependence), etc.
Decline of Spanish Control
The Treaties of Utrecht were also called the Peace of Utrecht, and were a series of treaties between France and Britain, the Dutch Republic, Prussia, Portugal, and Savoy, and another series between Spain and the same powers, concluding the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14).
Specific, and probably not hugely thrilling details can be found here.
Basically, the crux of the treaties was that the question of the Spanish Succession was finally settled in favour of the Bourbon Philip V, the grandson of France’s Louis XIV.
Carved up like a turkey...
The Southern Provinces
Although the southern provinces at this time were far from independent, they did experience a significant amount of freedom in internal affairs. They controlled their own judiciary system and set up councils to aid the governor general. They also enjoyed the privileges established with the Joyeuse Entrée. This term, meaning “joyous entry” in French, was, during the European Middle Ages and the ancient régime, the ceremonial first visit of a prince to his country, traditionally the occasion for the granting or confirming of privileges. This particular Joyeuse Entrée refers to the charter of liberties, confirmed on Jan. 3 1356, which was presented to the duchy of Brabant (in the Low Countries) by Wenceslas, the duke of Luxembourg and brother of the Holy Roman emperor Charles IV, and his wife, Johanna, daughter and heiress of Brabant’s Duke John III (d. 1355). The Brabançons were afraid that Wenceslas, who was a foreigner and thus not to be trusted, might ignore their traditional liberties. Thus, the charter was meant to confirm Brabant’s liberties. It stated that Brabant could not be divided, that Brabant must be consulted on such essential issues as coinage of money, foreign alliances, and declarations of war, and that public offices would only be open to Brabançons. This charter eventually became the model for the charters of other provinces of the Low Countries.
Despite all this tradition of essential liberties being withheld within the territories, foreign affairs were strictly under the leadership of the Spanish throne, demonstrating who really held the power during this period.

Pacification of Ghent
Discontent Under Foreign Rule
The Next Generation

Charles Quint

Spanish Netherlands
A Preview...
Specifically, although we're still ironing out the details, it looks like Andra will be looking at the Baltic states controlled by USSR, I'm thinking of exploring the Spanish Netherlands, and Mia is looking into a few options, including Moorish Spain, Ireland, and Poland, before making a final decision.
part two
yes we can? (part one)
However, the average individual under Hitler, at least early on in his leadership, didn’t know that the Final Solution was coming. Probably a large percentage of the population didn’t know even once that policy had been implemented exactly what was going on and the scope of it, or even had heard more than murmurs of the truth. And, to their credit, at least on the surface there seemed to be a lot to praise Hitler for. Despite his questionable policies in many regards, he had led the government to provide jobs during the Depression by sponsoring public works – reforestation, swamp drainage, housing, highway construction, and rearmament. Consumer goods, especially radios, became more plentiful under his leadership, and a program called Strength through Joy, however questionable in terms of its motivations, provided vacations, even for the lower middle class. The German chemical industry continued to thrive, producing artificial rubber, plastics, synthetic textiles, and many substitute products. The government, obsessed as it was with youthful strength and the perfect Aryan race, sponsored youth movements in schools and universities, and provided financial benefits to families with children. And prior to the 1930s, class division in Germany had been rather rigid; now, suddenly, such harsh delineation of classes was nearly erased (unsurprisingly that meant that young, poorly educated dropouts just like Hitler could rise rapidly).
Sucks to be German
Again and Again
That’s the happy mind thinking, though. To think about it from the loneliest lonely mind, it would be different, surely. However, and maybe I just think this because I’ve never felt the sort of loneliness that Nietzsche is alluding too, it might be comforting to realize that, no matter how bad things would get, you’d always get a chance to return back to the innocence and dependence of your childhood, which (one would hope) is one of the most comforting things you could hear in that situation. Either way, really what it comes down to, and we discussed this in class briefly, is that you’d be losing control of your own actions, of the choice that you had or at least appeared to have before (depending on your view), and all that would be left to you would be your mind, and your emotions. So, although you might not realize in the awful moment that the demon was informing you of the situation, you would ultimately reach a state in which the facts of your life, the events and the petty details, were so familiar that you had begun to ignore them, that they no longer caused you pain. It would be like playing a song on repeat, I would think: you’d no longer concentrate on the lyrics, simply nodding along to the beat as you let yourself become lost in your thoughts.
What Life Asks of Us
The report implied an entire way of living. Individuals should learn to think for themselves. They should be skeptical of pre-existing arrangements. They should break free from the way they were raised, examine life from the outside and discover their values.
This approach is deeply consistent with the individualism of modern culture, with its emphasis on personal inquiry, personal self-discovery and personal happiness. But there is another, older way of living…In this way of thinking, to borrow an old phrase, we are not defined by what we ask of life. We are defined by what life asks of us. As we go through life, we travel through institutions – first family and school, then the institutions of a profession or craft.
Brooks goes on to argue, predictably, for the past, for the older way of thinking, for the established and the accepted. I was surprised, when reading the column, to find myself agreeing with him more than I didn’t. I guess I value respect for tradition more than I thought I did, more than I feel like I should as one of the younger generation that calls for change, and breaking free from the shackles of the unenlightened past, or something like that. It’s not just that, either. I realized, reading it, that the qualities I value most in myself, and the experiences in my life that mean the most to me, come from communities, from groups of people – not mobs but families, friends, neighborhoods, schools.
Ultimately (and rather obviously), I think either constantly attempting to overthrow the existing system and create new values, or accepting and bowing down to the old system completely, is unrealistic, for one thing, and also based on an oversimplification and refusal to accept any sort of compromise view. Brooks makes a very interesting claim:
I thought it worth devoting a column to institutional thinking because I try to keep a list of the people in public life I admire most. Invariably, the people who make that list have subjugated themselves to their profession, social function or institution.
Now, I don’t know who it is that Brooks admires, and so maybe his claim is completely accurate, but the sort of people who I admire aren’t that easily classified. After all, no one makes the top of a “People I admire most” list simply for doing working hard at their job and not going outside of the box at all, thinking creatively, coming up with new solutions, maybe challenging authority a bit and thinking for themselves. Granted, it’s true that it’s not random anarchist rebels who are completely against society and all that it stands for who are on the list (or at least on my list) either, but usually it’s people in between – people who had the “proper” respect for the tradition of their profession, who worked their way up, and then did something exceptional once they had proven themselves. Looking forward then, I’d say I hope for myself to find some sort of balance between these two extremes.
A Paradise for Ladies
There was the continuous roar of the machine at work, of customers, crowding into the departments, dazzled by the merchandise, then propelled towards the cash-desk. And it was all regulated and organized with the remorsefulness of a machine: the vast horde of women were as if caught in the wheels of an inevitable force.
This description sheds light on the conflicting beliefs, hopes and fears of people at the time, who must have been equally fascinated by, the new inventions of the period, and worried as they watched all of society, seemingly, operate on an unbelievably large scale, with large corporations, mass consumption, and mass politics eclipsing the individual completely. Here is also the fear of man’s own creation – symbolized by the general machine – and its power and control over its creator. Thus, Zola’s choice of metaphor can be nothing but deliberate as he explores the conflicting values and experiences of the time.
Unique Forms
Boccioni's own work, which is displayed in its gilded glory as the front piece to Chapter Twenty-Three in our textbook, is the perfect expression of these principles and goals. His Unique Forms of Continuity in Space highlights the formal and spacial effects of motion rather than the source, which is here the striding human figure. As opposed to in the stagnant traditional sculpture that he so vehemently argued against, in his statue the figure is so expanded, interrupted and broken in plane and contour that the form is almost lost, as the movement eclipses it in importance. This sculpture in its power and sense of vital activity, embodies all that the Futurists stood for, symbolizing the dynamic quality of modern life.
What was true for the painters of yesterday is but a falsehood today…the vivifying current of science [must] soon deliver painting from academic tradition…We declare…that all forms of imitation must be despised, all forms of originality glorified…that all subjects previously used must be swept aside in order to express our whirling life of steel, of pride, of fever and of speed…that movement and light destroy the materiality of bodies.
In such language, the idealism of scientific progress, of the present, the modern as superior to all that had come before, is very evident. These high-minded notions came on the heels of new developments in the arts and sciences that challenged tradition in every sphere of society. However, as the text notes after its short introduction to the futurists and their ideas, strongly foreshadowing the troubled ahead, “few Europeans embraced the modern era with the unflinching abandon of the futurists.”
Imperialism, once again
It makes me feel a bit more hopeful to read the letter of response to the Editor of The Nation on the opposite page in our textbook (page 813). In it, Alfred Webb describes the sense that one gets from reading it: “there is something almost sickening in this “imperial” talk of assuming and bearing burdens for the good of others.” But where his letter is most effective is when he states: “They are never assumed or held where they are not found to be of material advantage or ministering to honor or glory.” In this single line, I think Webb has summed up the gist of the new imperialism. Because the motives are, on one hand, this “material advantage,” whether that is cotton, iron, land to settle, diamonds, gold, labor, or some combination thereof, and, on the other hand, this high-handed sense of European virtue and a belief that their way is the correct way and it is their duty to bring that to others. Although it would be easy to read Kipling’s poem completely cynically, as an extension of Webb’s reading of it, and argue that it was only the resources that drove the Europeans toward imperialism, I think that would be an oversimplification. I honestly don’t think that Kipling is writing out of his arse, as the Brits might say, in “The White Man’s Burden.” Sure, it is straight-up propaganda, but I do think that there is something genuine there, and that, I think, is what makes it the perfect example of new imperialism.
Does anything about this sound familiar? Of course, it reminds me of our discussion in class about Iraq, and while I don’t really want to go into that argument again here because it didn’t go so well in class, I think it’s interesting to consider our own motives for going into the Middle East in the current political climate, and the muddled combination of high-minded democratic ideals, an odd sense of religious and political superiority, and a desperate need for oil. In that way, are we really so far from Kipling and his uncomfortably-phrased version of nationalism and imperialism?
Maybe the reason we find it hard to explain, in rational terms, this “new imperialism” is because it wasn’t nearly as rational as one might expect. At least, that’s the sense that I get, looking at this picture. Even though there is emphasis on technological advance and new opportunities based on industrialism, it’s really about this vision of global progress, about the inevitability of the European way of life being brought to other places. And not just because that is pragmatic, or objectively the correct way to go about things, but because that is fundamentally right, according to the Europeans. From religion to industry to democracy, the Europeans had this strong sense of self-righteousness that manifests itself in this lithograph by the French School, from the figures on stage to the embracing mermaids.
Then and Now
"I have never seen an angel. Show me an angel, and I’ll paint one."
The painting itself depicts, quite literally, two stone breakers, one young and the other old, in the act of breaking stones. This menial labor was traditionally the lot of the lowest in French society. Here, Courbet juxtaposes youth and old age, suggesting a vicious cycle: those born to poverty will remain poor their entire lives. The artist neither romanticizes nor idealizes the men’s work, instead depicting their thankless toil with accuracy and directness. His color palette is made up mostly of dirty browns and grays, conveying the dreary, dismal nature of the task, while the angular positioning of the older stone breakers limbs suggest a mechanical monotony of the work. At the same time, while the younger stone breaker is more upright, the older man is physically cowed by years of a demeaning job and lifestyle, almost bent out of shape, allowing us to see the unfortunate and painful trajectory that the young man will take as he goes about his life as a stone breaker.
A Nation: Some Sort of Summary
Apocalypse Now?
`Last week we spent a good deal of time in class talking about the next half-century, and what sort of apocalyptic predictions could be made about American civilization in that time period. The claim was that, if the unemployment rate rises to an unbearable figure, if enough children are going hungry and families feel that there is no opportunity for the next generation, if enough people lose their homes and their ability to support themselves, that something will necessarily change. That sounds reasonable enough to me, but what I take issue with is the idea that, as things get worse, the system as it exists will be incapable of supporting the people, that discontent will grow to such an extent that the working class will rise up and claim what is rightfully theirs. Reading about the “Hungry Forties,” I noticed a particular sentence that felt essential to this argument: “Hunger itself does not cause revolution. It does, however, test governments’ abilities and their legitimacy.” As an American citizen, in the past 8 years, no matter how frustrated I became with the failed policies of the Bush Administration, I never lost fail in the system of democracy itself. Maybe I lost a bit of faith in the American people, not quite believing that they had willingly elected Bush a second time around, but I felt that, ultimately, the system would find a better alternative in the end, and someone would be able to come in and tidy up at least a bit of the mess made in the past.
I guess, in that sense, I hold tight to the belief that, in this situation, the
Like many of his contemporaries he was caught up in a burst of enthusiasm for the French Revolution of 1789. Disillusionment set in when Napoleon, whom he had admired as a revolutionary and for whom he had originally named the Eroica symphony, crowned himself emperor and repudiated his principles, and Beethoven’s disappointment continued through the Napoleonic Wars. At the same time, by the age of thirty-two, Beethoven knew that he was losing his hearing. He hoped the problem would be cured, but it slowly put an end to his career as a virtuoso pianist; by 1819 he was completely deaf. As his condition worsened and his disenchantment deepened , he withdrew into composing, his solitude a powerful symbol of alienation and extraordinary creativity.
Why did I find the need to include that atrociously long quote? We all know that Beethoven didn’t have the happiest or luckiest of lives, but I think there’s more to it than that. Maybe it was just the experience of reading this directly before delving into the stories of bloody revolution during the 1830s and, perhaps worse, in 1848, but something about his particular struggle seemed characteristic of the times. It was in this specific era, when so much was being created, when such artistic creativity and possibility, such hope and belief in one’s leaders, could be so quickly turned to disillusionment. Here, it’s not just the political ideals being crushed, but also one’s chance of making a livelihood, of supporting oneself, that is being stolen during this chaotic time. Although no one would say that Beethoven’s experience was the same as that of the starving peasants or the unemployed workers in the 1840s, this little snippet about his life gives a sense, typical of the hardships of the time, of violation of the big things – hope in a new political era, democratic ideals – and the small ones that are really more essential – managing to get from one day the next, to support oneself, to make a living.
Token Self-Indulgent Post on Romanticism (725-732)
Romanticism, on the other side, is like the much younger cousin of the Enlightenment, the black sheep of the family, the teenager whose hair makes old ladies go “tsk” and who writes angsty poetry on the internet. There is something charming about the coarseness, the excessive emotion of the poetry, the paintings, the novels, that makes you wince but at the same time draws you in. You can’t approach the Romantics the same way you would the philosophes. They’re a different breed, but I can’t help loving that about them.
On Work
Yesterday in class, during our discussion of Marxism, we drew a picture of a hopeless worker laboring day after day at a mindless job. We talked about an assembly line, as the most recognizable example of a job that’s going nowhere. It reminded me of that past Saturday, when I had worked at St. Anthony’s on the sort of cafeteria-style assembly line. It’s a soup kitchen, more or less, so the experience isn’t like working a job, and I’m not trying to equate the two, but since the memory popped into my head, I thought about whether it had been enjoyable or not. I was working the starch, scooping German potato salad that was disturbingly yellow and goopy, and the experience did get repetitive. After three hours, I was developing a blister on the inside of my right forefinger, and I had fallen into a sort of rhythm, almost a trance I guess. And that doesn’t mean that I know what it’s like to be a factory worker – that claim would be laughable. But even that little peek into such an experience was interesting because I could see myself working there every day and not feeling alienated.
Why is that the case? I think that maybe, at least for me, alienation isn’t based on simply the nature of the job. A job on an assembly line isn’t intrinsically awful. And maybe that’s where the means to the end that so many people have been talking about in their blog entries comes in, because a job must be justified by something, and maybe it’s the reward at the end of the day. But I’d like to think that that end isn’t always something like making money, getting a promotion, getting bigger and more important in the world of business or whatever. Because maybe the work itself can be tied up in the end; maybe the attitude that a worker has towards the work or what the worker thinks will come of it can determine the degree of alienation he experiences when working the job. In this situation, I didn’t feel alienated at all, because I knew where exactly each scoop of potato salad was going, and to whom, and knowing that I was helping feed someone who was hungry made me feel like I hadn’t wasted three or four hours.
I don’t expect that, when I’m older, I’ll have the luxury of volunteering and not working a true job. But I’m surprised to hear so many other students say or write that they don’t expect to enjoy their work, seeing it as only a step on the way to success. On one hand, I understand that very few of us would choose to work if we could afford not to. And that we work, more often than not, for the things we have to look forward to after the work is done. But at the same time, I feel like our society is such a workaholic one that there must be something to it that we value, and I don’t think it’s just the money. When I think back to elementary school, I remember the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Even now in high school, I feel like we’re allowed to choose our classes, encouraged to follow a path that we find interesting, with the implication that we’ll eventually follow creative writing or photography or marine biology to a career and that, in that path that we’ve chosen for ourselves, we’ll find some degree of happiness. I don’t know whether that happiness will come from a monetary reward, from the work itself, or from knowing what good that work is doing in someone else’s life, or a combination of the three, and I suspect it’ll be different for all of us. Maybe I’m an idealist, but I’ll hold onto that idea for as long as I can. For now, even if I find myself resenting writing yet another blog entry for MEH, I’ll try to remember that I chose this class for a reason, and maybe I’ll even end up writing about something I find interesting and engaging, so, even if what I’m really looking forward to is finally going to sleep when I finish this last assignment of the night, I can say I didn’t go on auto-pilot and go through the motions of doing my schoolwork, disconnected and disinterested.
Back To The Future (709-717)
The Austrian foreign minister Klemens von Metternich, perhaps the most influential conservative diplomat of the early nineteenth century, called revolution a “sickness,” “plague,” and “cancer,” and with his allies set out to inoculate Europe against any further outbreaks. As Metternch and others saw it, revolution produced war. Peace, therefore, rested on avoiding political turmoil and keeping a firm grip on domestic affairs in all the countries of Europe.
Of course, Metternich’s theory is discussed and even questioned in detail later on. On one hand, it seems that his attempts to broker peace, most notably the Congress of Vienna, were not only very significant, but also, arguably, successful. Putting aside the discussion about what constitutes peace and whether to take into account the minor and not-so-minor wars over the next century, it is undeniable that the Congress helped to prevent a major European war until 1914.
However, what I find more interesting is an assumption that Coffin merely glosses over – that Metternich’s main goal was peace, and avoiding war at all cost, using harsh repressive tactics along the way. That is a completely understandable aim, considering the extent of the turmoil of the earlier, revolutionary and Napoleonic periods, but it still seems worth mentioning more than as something to be taken for granted. Perhaps I’m simply remembering Napoleon’s narcissistic obsession with conquest and war in order to boost his image, but this desire for peace above all else feels unfamiliar. It seems to me a vast change from the mercantilists and their dependence on war and expansion, as well as seemingly a majority of the rulers we’ve read of who would never have dreamed of sacrificing so much for and putting so much energy into protecting peace. Perhaps it’s unintentional on Coffin’s part, but something about the phrasing drew my attention. I don’t know whether this emphasis on peace is simply a reaction to the tumultuous time immediately beforehand and part of an attempt to rebuild Europe, or whether the function of war in the eyes of monarchs has changed and at this time the possible unifying effect and gains of territory and wealth are not worth the damage done, but watching how these ideas play out in the period to come could be interesting.
If anyone else noticed a similar trend, wants to point out an obvious gap in my logic or give explanations for or their opinions on the things I’ve wondered about in this post, please comment or reply in your blog.